Endometrial Carcinomas & Uterine Sarcomas

Endometrial cancer, or cancer of the uterus, ranks first among gynecologic cancers. It involves the formation of cancer in the lining of the uterus. Uterine cancer is the most common cancer type seen in patients that come to CGOS. This cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy among female cancer patients. Our CGOS specialists perform many types of surgeries and procedures and often suggest a combination of treatments that provides for the best quality of life. Some uterine cancer patients do not need additional treatments if they are adequately staged and the cancer is caught early.

Uterine Cancer is the Most Common Gynecologic Malignancy

One of the surgical process we perform for endometrial cancer patients is utilizing an advanced software technology (Firefly) to identify the sentinel left node (main lymph node) that drains the uterus. This process helps diagnose more patients with microscopic metastasis to the nodes than typically would be done without these technologies. The digital imaging process involves staining the nodes with a dye called Indocyanine Green and after the dye is injected we turn down the lights and the nodes light up green. We trace out those specific lymph nodes so we can particularly stage those nodes which more often results in positive tests. Minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery compared to surgeries with large incisions, which takes many weeks for recovery vs 1-2 weeks with robotic surgery helps with the patient’s quality of life.

Early detection of endometrial cancer improves the chances that your cancer will be treated successfully.

Surgery is often the main treatment for women with Uterine cancer. But in situations, a combination of these treatments may be used based largely on the type of cancer and stage of disease.


Ignoring symptoms may allow cancer to progress and lower chances for effective treatment.

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Pelvic pain/pressure

Risk Factors

It helps to focus on those risk factors you can change or avoid rather than those you cannot.

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Hormone replacement
  • Tamoxifen
  • Infertility
  • Family history


Depending on the type and stage of a cancer, you may need more than one type of treatment.

  • Robotic Surgery
  • Firefly technology
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation